About Homespec

Homespec is a Home and Roof Inspection Company that caters the the San Fransisco Bay Area and suburubs. We provide inspections primarily to Home Buyers needing to ensure their potential building purchase is sound and to learn of areas in need of attention. However, our inspections are not limited to buyers. Homeowners requiring information on their current building, whether there is an ongoing issue or just for maintenance purposes, obtain a building inspection. We can provide separate foundation, roof, heating or plumbing inspections where issues exist. Or, provide a full home inspection and detail a home maintenance program for your building.

Inspector History

John Quintal began his career in construction, working and learning as a Journeyman for his local Hayward Union. He then began a Home Inspection company early in 1993 and has grown a successful business and reputation in the Bay Area as one of the leading and most knowledgeable Home Inspectors. With over 30 years as a home inspector, John Quintal is the inspector to rely upon and give you the foundation to your confidence.


The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) is the most valuable certification an inspector can offer their clients. They insist on strict methods to attain membership, and regulated rules to maintain inspector certification, which include a required list of items to inspect in each home inspection and continuing education each year to ensure their inspectors are up-to-date with their knowledge base.

Inspection Process

The average Home Inspection takes around 2 hours to perform. John prefers each client be present during, or at the end, of each inspection and spends quality time discussing and educating the client on remarkable areas of the building. Reports are emailed 2 days after the inspection in a heavily detailed document with images and an itemized summary.

Personal Life...

John has a vivid and adventurous personal life! He is one to enjoy the thrills and excitement life has to offer. John is alert and athletic, with a robust character, a quality he brings to every aspect of his life, including his professional business and to the Inspection Industry.



"Barefoot skiing is a delicate balance between the pull of the rope and the push of the water." In more basic terms, barefoot water skiing involves gliding across the surface of the water on your bare feet. Barefoot skiing provides a special kind of thrill that other watersports simply can’t give.

Harley Davidson

John is a motorcycle enthusiast and enjoys taking long rides throughout the bay area, ideally along the northern coast of California. He has owned several Harley Davidsons and can talk shop about bikes, cars, and mechanics for days.


John has likely seen more concerts between 1970 and now than anyone you know. Ask him anything about your favorite rock band from the 60's and 70's.